Become a SmartCarWash. We are dedicated to delivering cleaner, greener and leaner solutions to our customers into the future.
Free On Site Evaluation
At no charge to the customer, we will:
1) Determine the type of water being used with your chemistry; hard, soft, reverse osmosis, reclaim or structured water.
2) Water quality, which is measure by particles per million or PPM.
3) Water line size and pressure, which is measured in gallons per minute or GPM.
4) Compressed air system (type and number of compressors, regulator capabilities), check for leaks or for lack of constant pressure.
4) Dispensing system check, which includes: checking nozzles and foaming applicators for clogs, measuring actual dosage (through Smart Truth Box) and waste (ghosting) as well as chemical coverage and performance.
5) Chemical titration, which is the ratio of water to chemical during the wash.
6) A comparison of chemical usage, performance and cost with your current provider.